Dear friends of Bild-Werk!
the uncertainties due the coronavirus COVID19 and the consequences , which are at this point not fully predictably, are very concerning for us as the Bild-Werk Team. Right now, we primarily think about the spring academy. We are most concerned about the well-being of our staff and future teachers and students. Nonetheless, we have decided to not cancel the spring nor summer academies. We are watching the events as they develop very carefully and will do everything we can to asses the situation objectively and professionally. We ask you in this time of uncertainty to think of the beauty and importance of Bild-Werk and other such places for so many creative people world-wide. Our wish and hope for this year´s academy is to continue being the vibrant and inspirational place for artist from all over the world to connect and create. We very much are looking forward to welcoming international teachers and students. We stay positive that at the time of the spring academy the most severe effects of the virus will be overcome and travel will be possible without restrictions. We are hopeful and will inform you immediately about any changes in the academy program. Wholeheartedly, we wish you all the best and stay healthy! The team of Bild-Werk
September 2024